Philip Reed (425) 280-1377 call or text

Camp Itinerary Guide

Explore our detailed daily camp itinerary for how each day of training will flow. Camp dates again will be Tuesday Aug. 5th through Friday the 8th. Players can show up as early as 4:30

First day of camp: 5:00 pm. Introduction and warm-up. 5:30 water break till. 5:45 break up into preferred position groups do drills fielding, throwing, catching, and situational play. 7:00 break water and snack 7:15 Pitching clinic. All others will be hitting and fielding. 8:00 Live scrimmage with learning stoppages 8:45 cool down 9:00 dismissal.

Day Two of Camp: 5:00 pm. Warm-up. 5:30 water break till. 5:45 break up into preferred position groups do drills fielding, throwing, catching, and situational play. 7:00 break water and snack 7:15 Pitching clinic. All others will be hitting and fielding. 8:00 Live scrimmage with learning stoppages 8:45 cool down 9:00 dismissal.

Day Three of Camp 5:00 pm. warm-up. 5:30 water break till. 5:45 break up into preferred position groups do drills fielding, throwing, catching, and situational play. 7:00 break water and snack 7:15 Pitching clinic. All others will be hitting and fielding. 8:00 Live scrimmage with learning stoppages 8:45 cool down 9:00 dismissal. Day Four of Camp: 5:00 pm. warm-up. 5:30 water break till. 5:45 break up into preferred position groups do drills fielding, throwing, catching, and situational play. 7:00 break water and snack 7:15 All team scrimmage with learning stoppages 8:00 Short break and snack 8:15 Finish strong live scrimmage focusing on what we learned over the last four days of camp. 8:45 cool down 9:00 dismissal Closing of the camp

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

The camp itinerary was well-organized, making each day enjoyable and memorable for everyone involved.

Emily Smith

a bird flying over a row of colorful buildings
a bird flying over a row of colorful buildings

Every day flowed smoothly, with engaging activities that kept the campers excited and eager for more.

John Doe

a yellow building with a brown door and window
a yellow building with a brown door and window